What it IS: An app with too-small videos, an instructor whose body outline you can hardly see due to the clothing, and one that necessitates constant clicking and interaction with the screen that severely interrupts the peace and meditation process often desired by users who use Yoga as a method of relaxation. They might want to change the voice heard throughout if a number of people can't understand the accent (I had slight difficulty). The exercises for pregnant women should caution them not to lie on their backs for extended periods of time and not to overstretch and perform exercises that are to rigorous -- that's a no-no!
There definitely should have been an option to play some kind of relaxing music in the background, as many folks into Yoga look forward to that. Some prefer silence, some soothing music... it should give the option to please both groups. Pocket Yoga, another app, give the user the choice to even play their own music from their music library... so if they already have the perfect CD for their workout, they can use what is already preferred and familiar to them, OR choose from the array of soothing music that fits the particular workout.
Puzzlingly, a review I saw here this morning mentioned that there were "very extensive yoga asanas, with videos, instructions, benefits and cautions along with the option to follow a daily regimen...too good." I just happen to not agree with that assertation of "benefits and cautions" if the mothers-to-be aren't forewarned properly. Mysteriously, the post is gone.
If you already have "Yoga Guru Donate," then you need to be aware that you already have THIS app ("Pro"). It's just called "Donate" elsewhere.... which is a little comical, because the last I looked, you couldn't do a pass on paying for the "donate" app, or download now and donate later (as with many free computer programs). Here in the U.S. of A., we call that a PURCHASE if payment is not optional, not a DONATION. Seems silly to put a more genteel title on an app that erroneously implies you don't have to pay for it if you don't WANT to.
As for the internet connection and view network state permissions this app requires, I think I have figured out just WHY it thinks it needs this permissions. There is an icon on the bottom of the main page with two arrows connected, and clicking on that brings up a "Send mail..." popup with EVERY POSSIBLE WAY (Facebook, Tweeting, email, bluetooth, Dropbox, ReadItLater app, ColorNote, Evernote, PrinterShare, Barcode share, Universal Composer... let's end it here) that this app can SEND THE FOLLOWING to your friends or family or whatever:
"Subject: Check out the YogaGuru app for android
Text: Hi, I am enjoying the YogaGuru Android Application. You can also check it out on your Android phone"
Is THIS what the developer added open network sockets to the app for? For us to promote their app?
Or maybe it's THIS:
Clicking the little "star" icon on the main screen brings up an icon list for the Amazon Appstore and every single browser you have installed on your device...every single one. And EVERY SINGLE ONE of those icons, when clicked, brings you STRAIGHT to the Amazon Appstore to rate this app.
Or maybe there might even be a link somewhere to email the developer with problems your having, not worth checking again and for this reason.... I know for a fact that it's NOT necessary to have the open socket permission in order to DO that, because I have PLENTY of apps that have that link, and all they do is bring me to MY email app, PERIOD. No internet required in the PERMISSIONS. So, if THAT'S the reason you may be given, it wouldn't be true.
Androidcap Inc. has MUCH better Yoga apps, so many of them that are superior and even Yoga apps that target specfic body areas (and are FREE to boot), so I can't imagine why one would spend money on this app that does LESS and costs MONEY. And I can't imagine how the FREE version of THIS app (which shows NO VIDEOS) can even be one of those free alternatives due to the extreme lack of content that you're cut off from unless you PAY for this "pro/full" version.
I guess it's not bad to download as a FAOTD as a new toy to play with for awhile, but unless some severe changes are made to the content and can stand toe-to-toe with other more popular and superior Yoga apps, it's going to turn off the Yoga folks who take their workout seriously and have come to value Yoga as more than just contorting your body into a pose. Yoga is much more than that, and this app just doesn't cut the mustard because it doesn't take into account the whole Yoga "experience" and respect it as such. It tries, but it doesn't succeed.
In summing up.... Not bad for a "free toy" that you can tinker with today for FREE... but if you're even halfway serious about making an APP a part of your Yoga routine at home or on the road, there are other much better alternatives that won't cost you anything that should be given a try before paying for THIS one.