Becoming a Vegetarian Against Your Will (Kindle Edition) newly tagged "health"

Written By Amazon Publisher on Wednesday, July 4, 2012 | 10:50 AM

My name is Tiffany Dow and I'm a woman who started her own online marketing business, authors books, raises three wonderful kids, is a vegetarian and embraces her inner honey badger when it comes to standing up for things I believe in.

CAREER: I didn't have the guts to formally pursue freelance writing until the day my infant son fell ill with a respiratory infection and I was determined never to return to work another day.

That desperation catapulted me forward in building a career that I could not only be proud of, but that earned me six figures working from home - what a blessing!

I love writing. I love researching. Journalism is what I went to college for, even though I didn't end up pursuing a print publication job.

But there are some drawbacks to freelance writing. Not every client is a winner. Some are cranky, rude, and disrespectful. The money you work for is never residual - each time you need money, you have to take on another project.

So I was enamored by the Internet marketing business model that would allow me to put my writing skills to use for myself, creating an income stream where I worked one time and got paid for years from that single effort.

My first Amazon book (but not my first online eBook), A Freelance Writer's ATM Machine, will help you break free from the binding nature of working for others and allow you to maximize the impact your writing has on your earnings.

I'm very transparent and available to those I share this knowledge with, so feel free to contact me directly through my site at whenever you need guidance or motivation.

VEGETARIANISM: My story wasn't one by choice but it's one that I'm happy happened to me. I wrote a book called Becoming a Vegetarian Against Your Will that not only details my journey from hungry meat eater to happy vegetarian (it wasn't as easy as embracing a kumbaya attitude).


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