"Collapse of Drugs" due to wellness (Paperback) newly tagged "health"

Written By Amazon Publisher on Tuesday, July 3, 2012 | 3:35 PM

President and Nature-O-Path of the Anti-Aging Clinic Assoc., Inc. in Tamarac, Florida; David is an author who has been a political study since JFK forward, with interests that include our economy and protecting Americans. David is very plain spoken and does not see any need in using the favorite words from politicians, which are, we're gonna fix it, or, we're gonna make sure. David sees the only reason for speaking is to offer solutions, not rhetoric to get politicians elected or re-elected. Change is something that must be explained, not to end a sentence with it; hence his written words. President 2012, Patriot or Puppet for billionaires and his earlier book, Collapse of Drugs due to wellness.

David has chosen the field of natural wellness and not pharmaceutical medicine because of his lifelong passion, which is to truly help people. If David had chosen Pharmaceutical drugs and conventional medicine he could have become a millionaire like those in that industry; but he chose helping people.
Repeating what Andrew Carnegie once said "No man will make a great leader who wants to do it all himself, or to get all the credit for doing it."


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