Pilates Evolution - The 21st Century (Paperback) newly tagged "health"

Written By Amazon Publisher on Friday, June 8, 2012 | 7:21 AM

Much has changed in the 21st Century since 1934 when Joseph Pilates wrote his first book (Your Health) about fitness and health. In 1945, he followed up that first expression of fitness theories and principles with his detailed and definitive book of exercises, Return to Life through Contrology. Both of these original books were copyrighted and republished by us, and have now received new updates for the 21st Century. This book is the natural evolution of his original work, elucidating, expanding on, and demonstrating where Pilates' fitness is moving currently.

Inside this new book, Pilates Evolution:

- Joe's original, copyrighted exercise photograph sequences, poses and instructions from his original writings, and fundamental to his exciting fitness program.

- Joe's original words enunciating his very personal Twentieth Century philosophies, principles, and theories about health and fitness.

- The very latest in 21st Century modifications, methodology, and enhancements to Pilates exercises, using variations in body positioning, balancing, centering, and aligning, both with and without additional exercise props.

Joseph Pilates based his work on the concept of a balanced body and mind and on the approach espoused by the early Greeks. New practitioners of Pilates' forms and exercises in the 21st Century continue to expand upon this earlier work by presenting a variety of creative new approaches involving circular movements, standing postures, and core strengthening exercises using props such as tubes, weights, poles, bands, magic circles, mini-balls, stability balls, foam rollers and more.

Joseph Pilates has been nothing short of revolutionary in his impact on the world of fitness and exercise. You will learn in this book his original observations and conclusions about people's approach to physical fitness. He describes the results of decades of scientific study, experimentation and research into the variety of troubles and ills that upset the balance of body and mind. You will also learn every single one of his original 34 mat exercises taught to his own students.

Living testimony to the validity of his own teachings, Joseph Pilates shares in these writings his fundamental tenets of posture, body mechanics, correct breathing, spinal flexibility, physical education, and his law of natural exercises. It is a fascinating look into Pilates' original thinking and represents the foundation of an entire discipline embraced by fitness enthusiasts, health educators, and exercise trainers around the world.


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